Student Health

School Nurse Nicole Cable, BSN, RN Email [email protected]
Phone 515-242-7274 Fax 515-242-7350
Summer Contact DMPS Health Services Phone 515-242-7831

Help!  Winter illness season is here!  Like many Iowa schools, we have a little bit of everything circulating at present–influenza, strep, mono, etc.  Please help us stay healthy and remind your student about the basics:

  • Cover your cough
  • Frequent hand-washing
  • Stay home if ill.  Students with fever, vomiting, or diarrhea should stay home until they are symptom free for 24 hours.

Please report student absences to the attendance recording (24/7) at 242-7273.  If your health provider has recommended restrictions related to the illness, please send the note to the nurse (may be faxed by health care provider to 242-7350).

If your student contacts you about not feeling well during the school day, please encourage them to get a pass from their teacher and report to the health office--we can check them out for you and help decide next steps.  We will frequently encourage students to finish the day if possible, because it’s a good skill to learn as they transition to adulthood, but will call you if that’s not possible.

Online Registration—Health Information Please be sure to complete the health information sections during the annual online registration process. This information helps us to better understand the health needs of your student and ensures we have correct emergency contact information.

You may also elect to provide permission for Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen (generic for Tylenol) to be given to your student during the school day.  A student may receive a total of 5 doses throughout the school year for routine conditions such as headaches, dental pain, and menstrual cramps.

If your child has health care needs during the school day, please visit with the school nurse. It is our desire to be ready to help your child be successful in school. Planning together will help us to achieve this success.

Physicals for 9th Graders, New Students, and Athletic Participation  The Des Moines Public Schools Health Services Department encourages children to have periodic physical examinations. These examinations are encouraged for all students entering kindergarten and grades 3, 6, and 9, as well as any student new to Des Moines Public Schools.  Students participating in school sponsored athletics MUST have a current athletic physical in order to participate. Athletic physicals are good for one year and one month from the time of the exam.

Athletic Physical Form

Dental Screening  Dental screening of all incoming 9th graders is required by state law.  This screening must be performed by a dentist or dental hygienist and documented on a Certificate of Dental Screening form.  Please ensure the form is completely filled out and turned in to the nurse by fall.

Dental Screening Form

Medication Administration and Severe Allergies  The Des Moines Public Schools Health Services Department requires a physician’s order to give medications at school.  In general, students may not be in possession of medications while on school property. This includes Tylenol, Ibuprofen, other over the counter medications, and prescription medications.

If students are required by a physician to take medication during the school day, the medicine must be sent to school in an original pharmacy container with a pharmacy label listing the student’s name, the name of the medicine, the dosage, and the time to be given. Parents must sign a “request for giving medicine at school” form for each medicine to be given.  This must be updated at the start of every school year.

High school students with asthma or severe allergies requiring the use of an Epi-Pen may be able to routinely carry and self-administer their inhaler/Epi-Pen with a written statement from the physician and parent.  This must be updated at the start of every school year.

Students with severe food allergies may want to complete an allergy action plan.

If your student needs a special diet due to a health condition or severe allergy, please work with your health care provider to complete a “diet modification request” form.

Request for Giving Medicine at School Form

Medication Self-Administration Form  (Use only for asthma, or severe allergy)

Food Allergy Action Plan

Diet Modification Request Form

Immunizations  The State of Iowa sets immunization requirements for school enrollment. Students moving in from out of state may need to update their immunizations, as these requirements vary slightly from state to state.  The State of Iowa added a new requirement for meningococcal vaccine that affects incoming seniors beginning with 2017-2018 school year.

Iowa Immunization Requirements

Meningococcal Immunization Requirement 2018