
ACT Testing

ACT test for all juniors at Roosevelt will be on Tuesday, February 27, 2018. 9th, 10th and 12th graders do not report on this day.  11th grade students do not report on Wednesday, February 28.

IMPORTANT ACT Testing Information for Juniors!  Click HERE!

REQUIRED ACT Pre-Administration Sessions at Roosevelt, attend one!

ACT Calculator Policy – Guidelines for approved calculators July 2017

8 Tools to Help You Prepare for the ACT Test 2018

SAT Testing

SAT – College Board Four Steps to Accessing SAT Suite of Assessment Results!

Advanced Placement (AP) Exams

AP Exam registration has begun!

AP Exams must be submitted by March 26, 2018. Students pick up an exam order form from the bookkeeper in the main office. A few reminders about AP Exam Registration:

* Each AP Exam cost $94.00: a $15 non-refundable deposit is required for each exam. Full payment is required before an exam will be ordered.  No refunds will be offered once the exam has been ordered on Friday, March 30.

* Students register for ALL exams (including exams being taken at Central) at their home high school.

* Payment in full for each exam is required no later than March 26, 2018.

Students will return completed Roosevelt exam order forms with payments to Mrs. Kuehler, the bookkeeper, in the main office at Roosevelt High School (her office hours are 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.).

Financial Support for AP Exam Fees 2018

  • Students who qualify for Free and Reduced Lunch can have exam fees covered by a College Board waiver and United Way Funding.
  • Students taking AP US Government and Politics qualify for funding through an external grant.
  • Students taking AP Environmental Science qualify for assistance through a business-school partnership with EcoEngineers (www.ecoengineers.us).  Application forms for this funding are available with Mrs. Nsereko in room 2250 beginning in early January.
  • Additional financial aid requests for students who do not qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch can be made in the Student Support Center on or before March 8, 2108.  Please see Brenna Stoffa, counselor, for more information.

PRE-ADMINISTRATION SESSIONS 2018!  All AP students that signed up for an AP exam must attend their pre-administration session listed below!

Date Time Location Group
April 23 Rider Time Cafeteria SENIORS
April 24 Rider Time Cafeteria JUNIORS
April 25 Rider Time Cafeteria SOPHOMORES & FRESHMEN
April 25 12:40 Library MAKE UPS – ALL GRADES

If you cannot make any of these times, please see Mrs. Stoffa in the Student Support Center.

AP Exam Registration Questions and Answers 2018!

AP Exam Prep Sites:   College Board & Khan Academy

Student Testing Day Exam Policies

AP Calculator Policy