Ryan Ramsay Nominated to Naval Academy

Congressman Leonard Boswell (IA-3) has nominated Ryan Ramsay of Des Moines to the U.S. Naval Academy. Ramsay is a senior at Roosevelt High School where he is active in baseball, golf, hockey and National Honor Society among other activities. He is the son of Mary Beth and Reed Ramsay.

“Every school year, I look forward to nominating outstanding students such as Ryan, who wish to serve in and help lead our nation’s armed forces. He has excelled academically and has served as a role model for younger students. It is always refreshing to see the values of commitment and patriotism are still alive in today’s young leaders,” said Boswell, a 20-year veteran retired as Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army.

As a Member of Congress, Boswell nominates individuals from the Third Congressional District to the United States Service Academies. Receiving a congressional nomination is required in order to be considered for admission to one of our nation’s prestigious military academies.  Academy applicants are then judged on the basis of character, scholarship, leadership, physical aptitude, medical fitness, and motivation. The academies will announce their candidate selections in the spring of 2013.

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