Student Wins Renewables Video Prize

The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association announced Helena Gruensteidl as the grand prize winner of the of the 6th annual “Fuel the Future” video contest. The Roosevelt senior and Central Campus film student produced “Kirby’s Future,” an animated kernel of corn that aspires to become ethanol. Helena says: “I’m thankful for these authentic and professional experiences that have been integrated into the classrooms at Central Campus.” Click the headline to read more and see her video.

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2016-2017 Scheduling

We will begin the scheduling process for the 2016-2017 school year starting at the end of January. Counselors will be going into classrooms starting on January 21st to advise students about academic pathways, graduation requirements and course selections for next year. Course scheduling will be completed by students during class in February via the online scheduling tool on Infinite Campus.

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