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Check for Busing Information to Appear in IC Portal!

Transportation is adding student bus assignments daily in IC.  CAUTION!  This information may change before school starts.  Refer back to IC Transportation tab before the first day of school to verify bus stop/time information. Students who do not …

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First Day of School!

First day of school is Thursday, August 23 beginning at 8:25 a.m.  It will be a Blue (A) day and a full, regular bell schedule.

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Student IDs, DART Access to Change

The way students access DART buses is changing beginning in school year 2018-19. When students receive their school IDs this Fall, the badge will have a QR code embedded on it. The QR code will serve as the student’s “ticket” to ride DART. Students will be required to scan the QR code when boarding DART buses. Click on the headline to read more about the change, and the district’s partnership with DART.

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