AP Exam Payments Deadline is now April 3rd!

Attention ALL Students Ordering AP Exams: The College Board has changed their policy regarding when AP Exams must be ordered by the school. So our New deadline for completion of AP Exam orders is by 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3rd!! No exams will be ordered unless the exams order form is completed and full payment is secured by the TRHS bookkeeper by this date. If you have not ordered your AP Exams and/or have not paid for them, note this MUST be done by 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3rd. We apologize for this change, but it was not our decision to move the deadline date up. AP Exams order forms are available in the Counseling Office!


Becky Miller, Counselor

Roosevelt High School

4419 Center Street

Des Moines, IA   50312

Phone: 515-242-7293

FAX: 515-242-7244

[email protected]

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