Be on time! Go to the Dance!

The Homecoming Dance is coming up on October 5!  Students must be on time to their classes to be eligible to purchase a ticket to the dance. A student who is tardy more than 5 times between September 3 and September 27 cannot come to the dance.   Students must also be obligation and detention free before coming to the dance!

All Roosevelt students requesting to bring a non-Roosevelt student to Homecoming must complete a 2012 Homecoming Dance Date request form.  The form can be picked up in the Vice Principal’s office.  The form must be returned to the Vice Principals’ office by Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at 3:00 p.m.  This form requires the signature of an administrator of the guest’s school and must be turned in to purchase a ticket.  The minimum grade level for all guests is ninth grade, and all guests must be under the age of 21.  Only one guest is allowed per Roosevelt studentPHOTO IDs MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL EVENTS BY BOTH PARTIES

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