Iowans Invited to Participate in Survey of New Science Education Standards

Iowans are encouraged to give their opinions of the Next Generation Science Standards for learning in K-12 schools.

The survey will be open through Friday, Oct. 11. To participate, visit
The standards are internationally benchmarked and identify science and engineering practices and content with a focus on preparing K-12 students to go to college or to enter the workforce. To read the Next Generation Science Standards, visit
For more information about the Next Generation Science Standards Task Force, visit
Iowa was one of 26 states that worked to develop the science standards, which were released in April and are available for voluntary adoption in states.
Last month, the Iowa Department of Education convened a state task force to review the science standards. The task force will make a recommendation later this year to the State Board of Education about whether to adopt the standards as part of the Iowa Core, the statewide academic standards in math, science, English/language arts and social studies.
Survey results will provide guidance and feedback to the task force, the Iowa Department of Education, and the State Board of Education.
“In Iowa, we support efforts to improve science education in a way that challenges students to apply what they’ve learned, which is so important in a new economy that demands innovation,” Iowa Department of Education Director Brad Buck said. “Now is the time to review these science standards statewide and determine whether they should move forward in Iowa schools. We want as much input as possible from Iowans.”
The Next Generation Science Standards were developed during a two-year, state-led process that was managed by Achieve, a nonprofit education organization. About 70 Iowans were involved, including K-12 educators, science consultants, higher education faculty, and Iowa Department of Education staff members.
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