Roosevelt Student Respond Quickly to Lock Down

Just minutes after the final dismissal bell rang today the DM Police placed Roosevelt on lock down because of an emergency in the neighborhood.  Most students were in the hallways when the school was notified of the emergency.  Roosevelt students and staff demonstrated quick and efficient action by returning students to classroom from the hallways and on the grounds.  Students were orderly, quiet and quick acting.  The hallways in the building were clear within 3 minutes.  Students who were outside the building after the doors were locked were gathered up and brought into the auditorium. Staff kept students calm and safe as the neighborhood emergency was resolved by DM Police. Shortly before 4 PM the Police released Roosevelt from lock down and students were allowed to leave the building.  Buses that normally pick students up after school came back to take students home after the lock down was ended. We are so deeply appreciative of the staff’s quick response, the student’s excellent conduct and the patient parents who waited anxiously for news during this emergency.  Thank you.

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