Theatre Dept Takes Home Honors at State Thespian Festival

The Roosevelt Theatre Department attended the State Thespian Festival on the UNI campus in Cedar Falls on November 14-16.  They presented the fall musical PIPPIN as the opening ceremonies, competed in 38 individual events, competed with a tech challenge team, 5 students auditioned for scholarships and we attended several outstanding workshops.


PIPPIN was very well received earning a standing ovation from the 800+ delegates and representatives in attendance.  Elise Alexander and Travis Reinders earned a Thespian Scholarship callback.  The following students earned placing’s for the IE’s events listed.

1st Place:

Group Acting- Claire Guderjahn, Riley Johnson, Sylvia Visser

Costume Construction- Lily Comito

Monologue-  Sadie Crees

2nd Place:

Solo Musical Theatre-  Anne Hilker

Scenic Design-  Michael Reid

3rd Place:

Monologues-  Cianna Rothwell

Monologues-  Addison Williamson

Group Acting-  Elise Alexander, Emma Shafer, Isabel Allaway


Earning a score to advance onto International Competition:

Monologues- Emily Stavneak, Ruby Elwell and Cianna Rothwell

Costume Construction-  Lily Comito


We are extremely proud of all of the participants and rank this festival as one of our most successful ever!

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