Gear Up Students who Take AP classes:

Attention Gear Up Iowa Students and Families:

Advanced Placement (AP) exams are held the first two weeks in May. If you or your child is taking an AP class, now is the time to register for AP exams. Students can pick up registration forms in the school’s counseling office. Completed forms and payment should be given to the school bookkeeper for processing. Register as soon as possible to make sure an exam is ordered for you/your child. AP exams cost $89.00 each, but Gear Up Iowa will continue to provide support to Gear Up Iowa students who choose to take AP Exams.


In 2014, Gear Up Iowa will cover the cost for Gear Up Iowa students who qualify for free or reduced priced lunch. Gear Up Iowa will cover $50.00 per AP exam taken for Gear Up Iowa students who are not on free or reduced price lunch, leaving students and families to pay only $39.00 per AP exam.

Please be sure to notify the bookkeeper when submitting the registration form that you are a Gear Up Iowa student and the correct fee will be charged (either $39.00 or $0.00). If you have any questions, please contact your school’s Gear Up Iowa Academic Adviser or AP Site Coordinator.

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