Nellans Signs Letter of Intent

Senior, Lily Nellans announced her selection of Western Kentucky University during a national letter of intent signing ceremony today.  Click the headline for photos from the event.  Lily is the daughter of Bill and Jennifer Nellans.  She is a National AP Scholar, a National Merit Semi-Finalist and has earned a 4.4 GPA during her time at Roosevelt.  Under the coaching of Mr. Harry Strong, Lily is a 5-time individual state champion as well as a National Champion and National Runner-up in Speech and Debate.  She has won virtually every national event in extemporaneous speaking and has the all-time extemp grand slam national record for career wins at 6. Lily is also the all-time National Forensic League record holder for career speech and debate points.  At Western Kentucky, Lily plans to study in the field of political science and communications. Congratulations to Lily Nellans!

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