Close Up Trip 2015

The Des Moines Public Schools is proud to offer a once in a lifetime field trip to Washington, D.C. for high school students taking US History/AP US History or US Government/AP Government in 2014-2015.  The trip will take place …

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AP Celebration for Exam Takers

Congratulations to all our students who not only took an AP class, but also decided to take the AP Exam.  Last year we had 789 AP Exams taken.  This year’s unofficial total is 1,011!  If you took an …

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 Seniors!  (And Families!)  The details of the Commencement Ceremony can be found on this website!  Go to  the “Students” tab (upper right), select the “Senior Year” folder and find the “Graduation Ceremony Information” file.

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Share your graduation joy!

Whether on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, share your family-friendly graduation joy by including the hashtag #dmps2014. Roosevelt will be tweeting graduation events using the hashtag (follow us at @DMRoosevelt).

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P.R.O.U.D. Presents:

Tuesday, May 20 from 2:30 – 4:30 on the Roosevelt front lawn!  The festival is open to the public and will feature  Food, Crafts, Salsa Dancing, DMI Breakers, Iowa Pride Network, Latinos Unidos of Iowa, Young Women’s Resource …

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Saturday School on May 17

Hey, Roosevelt Scholars!  The last voluntary Saturday School of 2013-14 is this weekend from 9:00 – 11:30 in room 2710.  Teachers from every department will be on hand to help you finish major projects, answer questions and prepare …

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Roosevelt Has Highest-Ever Rank on AP Index

Since the University of Iowa’s Belin-Blank Center created the Iowa AP Index in 2005, Roosevelt has been listed every year. This year Roosevelt earned our top ranking ever, coming in as the fourth best school in Iowa for providing students with Advanced Placement course. Click the headline to read more about our success.

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Roosevelt Students Perform for Bette Midler

The Roosevelt Theatre Arts Department was invited to perform “The Rose” and “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B” for Bette Midler at the Des Moines Performing Arts Center. Midler was a special guest for the SmartTalk series in April. The group was directed by MaryAnne Sims, Katy Merriman and Lori Glawe.

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