Welcome Back

Welcome back students! As we begin the  2014 -2015 school year don’t forget a couple of key things:

Schedules – schedules will be able to be picked up at 7:00a.m. in the auditorium on the first day of school

Lunch Schedules – Lunch schedule are posted in the front hallway/cafeteria/commons and in the stairways. Your 2/6 + teacher will also have the luck schedule.  They are broken down by your 3/7 block classrooms.

Maps/A & B calendars – Extra Maps and A & B Calendars are located in the main office, and at the welcome desk. (located in the front hallway)

ID’s – Student ID’s are currently being printed, please wait for more instruction. We will have announcements on when and where you can pick them up.

Infinite Campus – Please see earlier post about infinite campus username / password changes.

Best of Luck, and let’s have a amazing 2014-2015 school year!

Go Roughriders!

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