Congratulations Ms. Bollinger!

Local 5 and Bankers Trust were excited to congratulate Roosevelt High School teacher Emily Bollinger as this month’s One Classroom at a Time grant winner. Ms. Bollinger wins a $1,000 for a special project, as well as a cultural workshop from Culture All.

Screen Shot 2015-02-20 at 8.08.22 AM Her students are currently reading “A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier” written by Ishmael Baeh, a former boy soldier from Sierra Leone.




Bollinger says it’s one of those rare books that students can’t put down. They really enjoy reading the text aloud andScreen Shot 2015-02-20 at 8.07.56 AMdiscussing it, so Bollinger wants to expand on this experience. She will use this money to bring in Ishmael Baeh, or another former boy soldier, to talk to the students. She hopes they can learn about perseverance and finding hope even in the darkest of circumstances.



Local 5 and Bankers Trust are excited to congratulate Roosevelt High School teacher Emily Bollinger as this month’s One Classroom at a Time grant winner.

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