Roosevelt Senior Wins Yale Forensics Tourney

Roosevelt senior Jacob Thompson won first place at the Yale University Invitational, where he competed in Extemporaneous Speaking against 114 competitors. Jacob is ranked as one of the top high school extemporaneous speakers in the U.S. and was last year’s state champion Congressional debater, state champion in Extemporaneous Speaking, and third place finisher at the national championship.

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Rider Root Beer is BACK!

RIDER ROOT BEER is back!  And so are the cool t-shirts!    We will be selling ice cold bottles of RRB just stop into the building anytime between 8a.m.-3pm.. to purchase bottles or cases. The 32oz bottles are being sold …

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Prom Pictures Available

Prom Pictures now available for free download to share on social media, email, and sharing. You can also order prints online.

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Online Registration for 2016-2017 opens up July 5th

Online Registration opens up on July 5th!  Des Moines Public Schools is in our second year of the online registration process! It will be available starting July 5 through August 12. Computer make you nervous? Don’t stress! DMPS …

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Rider Root Beer

Rider Root Beer is a special collaboration between Roosevelt High School students and local professionals. The business plan, recipe, label and marketing all involved Roosevelt entrepreneurship students. All proceeds will benefit the Roosevelt High School science & art …

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May in Mental Health Awareness Month, please join your fellow TRHS students and speak out. Each week, students are encouraged to “Wear the color. Raise awareness. End the Stigma,” by wearing the designated ribbon awareness colors for a variety of mental illnesses.

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Last chance to order graduation items

Last chance to place your Late Order for Graduation items, including the cap, gown, and tassel! March 31st at 5 p.m. is the deadline to place your Senior online order at this site: . Pricing will rise significantly, if your order is not placed by March 31st, at 5 p.m. Orders can only be placed online, at this time.

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Roosevelt Black History Gathering Opens Minds

Music from Bridges 2 Harmony and Movement 515 poetry filled the auditorium at Roosevelt High School last night before Saluiman Muhammed, a senior at Roosevelt, spoke about Black History Month, and a panel which included Rev. Michael Hurst, Black Lives Matter activist Kaija Carter, Merrill Middle School principal Alex Hanna and more, discussed race issues and inequality. To see more of the event, click on the headline.

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Iowa College Goal Sunday

Need money to go to college? You can receive help with filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at college goal Sunday. Trained volunteers will offer free assistance to high school seniors and adults who need help in filling out the FAFSA.

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